Malaysian Review

Tepache Malaysia

Tepache, The Next Big Trend After Kombucha

tepache malaysian review


Kombucha, the fermented tea beverage, has taken Malaysia by storm in recent years. With its numerous health benefits and unique flavor profiles, it has become a staple in many households and cafes across the country. However, as with any trend, there comes a time when something new takes its place. So, what’s next after the kombucha trend in Malaysia?


Adaptogenic Drinks:

As Malaysians become more health-conscious, the demand for functional beverages is on the rise. Adaptogenic drinks, which contain herbs and plants that help the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being, are gaining popularity. Ingredients like ashwagandha, ginseng, and maca are being incorporated into beverages like teas, lattes, and smoothies. These drinks not only provide a boost of energy but also help to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.


Cold Brew Coffee:

While coffee has always been a favorite among Malaysians, the cold brew coffee trend is now making its way into the spotlight. Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, resulting in a smoother and less acidic flavor. This brewing method has gained popularity due to its refreshing taste and lower acidity levels, making it a perfect choice for those with sensitive stomachs. Cold brew coffee can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with various flavors like vanilla or caramel for an added twist.


Plant-Based Milk Alternatives:

With the rise of veganism and lactose intolerance awareness, plant-based milk alternatives have become increasingly popular in Malaysia. Malaysians are now opting for milk made from soy, almond, oat, or coconut as a healthier and more sustainable option. These alternatives are not only rich in nutrients but also offer a variety of flavors to suit different tastes. Plant-based milk can be used in coffee, and smoothies, or enjoyed on its own.


We’ve heard of the above beverage trends in the market but what really is Tepache and is there a possibility that this drink will be the next big trend after Kombucha ?




Tepache, the beloved traditional Mexican beverage, is a true testament to the rich cultural heritage and vibrant flavors of Mexico. This deliciously refreshing drink is made from the fermentation of pineapples, combined with spices and sweeteners, resulting in a unique and tantalizing flavor profile. Tepache has been enjoyed for centuries, passed down through generations, and continues to captivate taste buds around the world.


The process of making tepache begins with ripe pineapples, their sweet and tangy flesh lending a natural sweetness to the beverage. The pineapples are then combined with ingredients such as piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar), cinnamon, and cloves, which infuse the mixture with warm and aromatic notes. This concoction is left to ferment for a few days, allowing the natural sugars to transform into a delightful effervescence. The result is a slightly tangy, mildly alcoholic beverage that is both refreshing and satisfying. With its distinct flavor and cultural significance, tepache has become a symbol of Mexican culinary heritage, delighting locals and tourists alike.

Kombucha Vs Tepache: Which Is Better? 


When it comes to fermented beverages, Kombucha and Tepache are two popular contenders that have gained quite a following. While both offer a tangy and fizzy taste, there are distinct differences that set them apart. 


Kombucha Tepache
Firstly, the main ingredient in Kombucha is tea, typically black or green, which undergoes fermentation with the help of a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). This results in a slightly acidic and effervescent beverage with a wide range of flavors, depending on the additional ingredients used during the fermentation process. On the other hand, Tepache is a traditional Mexican drink made from fermented pineapple rinds, spices, and sugar. Its flavor profile is characterized by a sweet and tangy taste, with hints of cinnamon and other spices. 
Another notable difference is the fermentation time. Kombucha typically takes around 7-14 days to ferment Tepache can be ready to consume in as little as 2-3 days. This shorter fermentation period makes Tepache a quicker and more accessible option for those who are eager to try a homemade fermented beverage without much waiting time.
Kombucha is caffeinated as it is brewed from tea leaves, which adds complexity to its flavor.  Tepache, on the other hand, is usually fermented for a shorter period. The fermentation breaks down the sugar into acids and alcohol, resulting in a mildly alcoholic beverage. 
This variance in fermentation time affects the overall taste and nutritional value of the beverages. While kombucha tends to have a slightly tart and acidic flavor Tepache is known for its sweet and fruity taste.
Kombucha, often referred to as the “elixir of life,” is made by fermenting sweetened tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). This ancient elixir boasts many probiotic strains which work together to promote gut health and strengthen the immune system. These probiotics not only aid in digestion but also help to maintain a balanced microbiome, supporting overall well-being. While kombucha is undoubtedly popular for its probiotic properties, tepache takes it to a whole new level. This golden elixir is made by fermenting pineapple peels, cores, and spices, resulting in a tangy and fizzy concoction that is a delight to the taste buds. But what makes tepache truly stand out is its probiotic content. Studies have shown that tepache contains a diverse range of probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces, which are known to promote a healthy gut and improve digestion. In fact, tepache has been consumed for centuries in Mexico for its digestive benefits and is often touted as a natural remedy for indigestion and gut health issues.


Let’s find out why Malaysians will probably get CRAZY over the Tepache trends after Kombucha.

Malaysia, known for its lush landscapes and tropical fruits, has gained recognition for its pineapple plantations which are essential for the making of Tepache. Tepache is a traditional Mexican fermented beverage made from pineapple peels, sugar, and water. This delightful drink has been gaining popularity worldwide for its unique flavor profile and health benefits. Malaysia’s ideal climate and fertile soil provide the perfect conditions for growing pineapples, making it a prime location for pineapple cultivation. The country’s pineapple plantations yield an abundance of high-quality pineapples that are rich in flavor and nutrients, making them ideal for Tepache production. The sweet and tangy taste of Malaysian pineapples adds a distinct flavor to Tepache, setting it apart from other fermented beverages.


Furthermore, Malaysia’s commitment to sustainable agriculture practices ensures that the pineapple plantations prioritize environmental conservation and ethical farming methods. By supporting these plantations, consumers can enjoy Tepache knowing that it is made from pineapples grown in an eco-friendly and socially responsible manner. In addition to its delicious taste, Tepache offers numerous health benefits due to the fermentation process that enhances the pineapple’s nutritional value. This probiotic-rich beverage aids digestion, boosts the immune system, and promotes gut health. By consuming Tepache made from Malaysian pineapples, individuals can enjoy a refreshing drink while reaping the health benefits associated with fermented foods.


When it comes to enjoying spicy food, some of us can’t get enough of that fiery sensation, while others find it overwhelming and unbearable. If you fall into the latter category, I have an incredible solution for you: Tepache! This traditional Mexican fermented pineapple drink not only offers a refreshing and tangy taste, but it also possesses the remarkable ability to balance out the spiciness in your favorite dishes.


The secret lies in the unique combination of flavors found in Tepache. The natural sweetness of the pineapple, combined with the fermentation process, creates a drink that is slightly acidic and subtly effervescent. This delightful blend of flavors works wonders when paired with spicy foods. The tanginess of Tepache helps to neutralize the heat, providing a cooling sensation that can effectively tame the fiery flavors without compromising the overall taste experience. So, if you’ve ever hesitated to indulge in spicy cuisine due to its overpowering nature, Tepache might just be the missing piece that brings balance to your palate.

Author: Jomaineseow