Peguam Negara Amerika, Loretta E Lynch berkata 1MDB diwujudkan kerajaan Malaysia untuk membangunkan ekonomi negara menerusi perkongsian global dan pelaburan terus asing.
Ia juga bertujuan untuk digunakan bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyatnya.
Tetapi, mengikut aduan yang diterima, pegawai 1MDB dan sekutuya dikatakan menyalahgunakan wang lebih AS$3 bilion.
Penolong Setiausaha Peguam Negara, Caldwell mendedahkan sekutu pegawai 1MDB yang rasuah didakwa menggunakan hasil daripada kegiatan penipuan membiayai pengeluaran filem ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’. – KiniTV
Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell Delivers Remarks at Press Conference Announcing Significant Kleptocracy Enforcement Action to Recover More Than $1 Billion Obtained from Corruption Involving Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund – Washington, DCUnited States ~ Wednesday, July 20, 2016
From Switzerland, the corrupt officials and their associates transferred money using a complex series of transactions that involved still more shell companies and bank accounts across the globe. Eventually, more than $230 million found its way into accounts controlled by shell companies whose beneficial owner was a close relative of a senior 1MDB official. That individual used the stolen funds to buy luxury real estate in the United States and other assets, including funding a California-based motion picture company, Red Granite Pictures.
Red Granite Pictures, in turn, used more than $100 million involved in the theft from 1MDB to finance the award-winning 2013 film The Wolf of Wall Street. Of course, neither 1MDB nor the people of Malaysia ever saw a penny of profit from the film, or from any other investments made with money diverted from 1MDB. Instead, that money went to a relative and associates of the corrupt officials. Because the assets used to finance the film were, as alleged, laundered money, future rights to that film are subject to the forfeiture complaint filed today.
Source US Justice Department
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